Celebrating 🥂

Hi there and happy end of August! ☀️

This past weekend, my husband and I celebrated our 12th wedding anniversary. We did it in style this year…leftovers with fresh veg from the garden! 😂

In all seriousness, we are homebodies at heart and both enjoy cooking, so, while it wasn’t fancy, it was perfectly suited to us.

Over the last 12 years, we’ve adventured, learned how to travel together, learned (and are still learning 🙋🏻‍♀️) how to ask for what we need, fought, grown, grieved, laughed, loved, been contented.

Want to see more pics from our 12 years? Check out this post on Instagram!

As I reflect on our collective growth, I’m struck by how much it mirrors my own personal and professional growth.

There have been periods of pure joy and happiness and periods of challenge as unexpected changes present themselves.

One of my biggest lessons has been loosening my grip on control and learning to ride the waves of emotion, of energy, and of business. I’m learning the more I try to force something, the worse it feels. When I accept the ups and downs, the rise and fall, I (somewhat surprisingly to me 😂)  feel so much more ease.

In my last post (you can check it out here if you missed it), I talked about the Wholehearted Coaching Certification I’m current enrolled in. 

So, if you’d like to…

  • Move through the last few months of 2023 with intention

  • Sow seeds for what you’d like to cultivate next

  • Learn to ride the emotional waves with more ease

Then now is a great time to schedule a coaching consult! (don’t worry, this is a no pressure, no salesy conversation where the goal is for you to walk away feeling grounded in your yes, no, or not right now).

As always, thank you for being on this journey with me! 🙏

Chat soon,



Perfectionistic, people pleaser, imposter parts


Summer Update 🌱