Perfectionistic, people pleaser, imposter parts

and the transformational power of coaching.

Hi there and happy September! 

I’ve been seeing pumpkin spice and Halloween candy + decorations everywhere for a few weeks and while I do love the warming spices I associate with all things pumpkin, it’s feels like all these fall things showed up a little bit early this year.

What do you think…is it too early for PSLs and all the Halloween things? Or, does the timing feel perfect?

Over the last few weeks as I’ve started talking more about coaching and having conversations with folks who are coaching curious, I’ve had some self-doubt and interesting thoughts pop up…

  • Who do you think you are to offer coaching? You don’t have enough experience. 

  • Why can’t you be happy with things as they are? You’ve invested so much into building your physical therapy practice the past 3 years, can’t that be enough.

As someone with perfectionistic, worrier, people pleasing parts, it’s been challenging at times to be in the midst of doing my own work around these thoughts and still show up to put this offering out into the world.

When I sit with and think about why I decided to pursue coaching in the first place, let alone deepen my skills through the Wholehearted Coaching Certification course, I come back to the transformative power of coaching. 

To be honest, if it weren’t for working with a coach I don’t know that I’d still be in my business! There have been some rocky patches over the past few years and coaching was instrumental in helping me create clarity and self-trust to move through those patches.

So, I know these perfectionistic, worrier, people pleasing parts of mine are showing up because this work feels so important and needed in this world where so many of us are overwhelmed, burnt out, lonely, and disconnected from ourselves and our community.

While I don’t have the answers, what I do know is the space we create in coaching to explore, to become present, to quiet the noise of the internal and external voices allows for clarity on what we truly want and reveals next right step to move in that direction.

If you’re ready to have more presence, more clarity, more intention in your life, I would love to connect! So, shoot me an message or head here to schedule a chat

And finally, here’s quick practice to cultivate presence…

  • Pause and take a few breaths

  • Name 3 physical sensations, emotions, or feelings

That’s it! You created space to become present!

As always, I’m so grateful for you! Thank you for being on this journey with me!

Chat soon,



Reconnecting to myself + community


Celebrating 🥂