Reconnecting to myself + community

Hi there! 👋

The tears came, seemingly, out of nowhere. The truth is, they’ve been there, unshed, for some time. 

I’ve been feeling drawn to step back into a movement space with others and have contemplated so many different options…martial arts, yoga, pilates, group fitness classes. And, while all of them are wonderful options, I wasn’t compelled to go to any of them.

Then, last night, an opportunity presented itself. A networking event and Conscious Movement and Dance experience hosted by Lynne Herbert of Soul in Motion

And, let me tell you, I had some reservations. 

For many years, I’ve chosen to move my body in linear directions, with purpose, for a certain distance, time, rep scheme, etc, and the idea of allowing my body to move in whatever way, direction, shape, size, speed it wants felt like foreign concept and brought in some discomfort. 

To be honest, I almost talked myself out of going.

Now on the other side, I’m so glad I didn’t! 

I’m so grateful I listened to that part of me that has been craving more connection with myself, my body, and others.

I got to experience this beautiful space that felt safe enough for me to let my body move, to feel the music, to feel the connection with the women in the room, to stop judging myself, to stop judging what my body looks like, to stop assuming others were judging me. 

It was freeing and deeply emotional. 

And, in that moment, I felt connected and my tender heart really needed that.

If this resonates, here are a few prompts for contemplation…

  • With whom or in what area of your life are you feeling disconnected?

  • Who or what do you want to strengthen your connection to?

  • If you felt fully connected, what would open up for you?

  • What’s one simple way you can create connection today? 

If these prompts sparked something in you or you’re finding yourself craving a space to explore what you want, to create clarity, to find more presence, to deepen into self-trust, I am here for it! I would love to chat with you to see if a coaching partnership is a good fit. Schedule a no obligation Coaching Consultation here.

As always, I’m so grateful for you! Thank you for being on this journey with me! 🙏



Celebrating 3 years! 🥳


Perfectionistic, people pleaser, imposter parts